Tuesday 27 January 2015

How to Achieve by Breathing


It's what keeps us alive. I would even go so far as to say that 'he who keeps breathing, stays in control.'

If we have a think about it; being in control of your breathing, means being in control of your emotions, thoughts and actions.

How many times have you been caught up in the moment and done things you regretted or given up when you probably know you could have done better?

I'd say a lot of the time, not being in control of your breathing had a lot to do with it.

So let's apply it to a few things and see if you agree.

Let's start with arguments. Not the constructive criticism arguments; the ones which leads to a dramatic storm off and no sex for a week. My assessment is if both sides had focused on their breathing (in most cases, deep breathing), things might not have got so heated and may have been solved before they got this far.

Sports and exercise in general
This one is easy. Ask any fitness buff (I'm sure you all have that friend) about it and I'm sure they will agree; half the workout is getting your breathing into a rhythm (the other half is checking yourself out in the mirror). My own personal experience says that I can lift more and run further if I concentrate on controlling my breathing.

This one is an interesting one. I've found that you are only able to sleep when you can 'switch your mind off.' This is usually easy to achieve when you are exhausted. However, on those nights that you toss and turn for hours on end thinking about if Taylor Swift's new song is really about Harry Styles, trying controlling your breathing. I've found that during a deep breath, it's actually hard to think. Repeatedly doing this, will break the thought process that is causing all those neurons to fire and will help to slow your mind down, eventually allowing your mind to 'switch off' and you to fall asleep

Feeling under pressure or overwhelmed
How many times has someone asked you to taking a deep breath when they see you panicking?

Containing excitement
I think we all naturally try to breath deeply when we try to do this.

The more you think about it, the more it becomes clearer that controlling your breathing will ensure that you can stay in control. As you start to think and become more aware of this, you should be able to find 'tricks' to help you regain control of your breathing in different situations. The calmer you are, the more you will achieve

Happy breathing


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